This picture shows that even today first nations people are being classified under the same categories as dogs, that means that they are putting them on the same level as a dog or a mutt. This happens because back in the colonial days that's how first nations people were being treated, like dogs, no respect. Even today it is still happening. |
The root causes of racism against aboriginals is purely government, the only reason first nations people are being discriminated to this day is because the government felt threatened by first nations people. The government felt threatened because the first nations people were very opinionated, if they believed in something they stuck with it. When the government started banning alot of the first nations traditions and beliefs alot of other people started following the government because they were scared of what might happen if they rebelled. Even though Canada has separated from the British, some of the stereotypes and racism that did occur back then still does happen now. There are groups that work valiantly to prevent racism such as the Canadian Metis Council, which is helping Metis all over Canada with there rights or the NACCHO which is the national aboriginal community of Canada health organizers. They are all about health care and benefits for aboriginal people. There are many other organizations out there but these are a couple of the big ones.
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